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If you love the thrill of finding a gem in a second-hand shop or trawling vintage markets, but want something with plenty of wear left, this is the book for you. You'll find knitting patterns from throughout the 20th century adapted to modern yarns and techniques, from a fringed flapper-style top inspired by the Twenties, to a pair of fun woolly legwarmers straight out of the Eighties and much more. Pick up a copy and get knitting your unique
...It’s easy to see why more and more brides and grooms are choosing a vintage theme when planning their big day. Whether it’s nostalgia for times gone by, or the classic glamour that captures your imagination, this book is full of ideas to help you plan the perfect wedding, from picking your particular style of ‘vintage’, to flowers, food and of course, the all-important dress. You’ll hear from real-life vintage brides, and discover the
...10) I, Claudius: from the autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, born B.C. 10, murdered and deified A.D. 54
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